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  • Writer's pictureLulu B


We are not only starting a new year but also a new decade. Millions of people like you and I start the new year setting up goals and resolutions that will help them create a more fulfilling, healthier and happier life. However, despite our good intentions and enthusiasm, a lot of the times, these resolutions are not fulfilled and they end up being part of another "good intentions" that will hopefully come to fruition in the future.

If you want to be able to achieve your goals this year, here are 4 tips that can help you:

1. Write them down.

Writing down our goals can help you to achieve them. Here is the thing; writing them down and then forgetting about them will probably won't do much. Try instead writing them down and keep them in a place where you can see them every day. Also, write them down in the present tense and as an affirmation. So, instead of witting “I want to get a better-paid job this year”, say “I have a fulfilling job and I get an excellent pay”. Read it and say it out loud every day.

2. Visualize yourself achieving your goals.

This goes hand in hand with the previous tip. Take a few minutes every day to visualize yourself achieving your goals. See your self having that wonderful new job, feel the enthusiasm and joy. Something I do to help me visualize is to listen to music that inspires me (epic music). You can also create a Vision Board to help you vis

3. Have an accountability partner.

Find someone you trust and share with him/her your progress. Remember that achieving a goal does not only depend on having the correct mindset but also to take action and make it happen.

4. Use Bach Flower Remedies.

Have you noticed why in the past you have not been able to achieve your goals or New Year resolutions? There might be many different reasons. Here, I have included 3 of them.

a) Procrastination. If you feel mental tiredness or exhaustion and tend to put things aside, thinking you will start tomorrow, then HORNBEAM is the Bach Flower Remedy that can help you bring to the surface your motivation and restore back your energy.

b) Lack of self-confidence. If you find yourself not taking steps towards achieving your goal because somehow you feel or have the conviction that you will fail, or that you are not good enough, then LARCH can help you bring back your confidence, be perseverant and eager to achieve your goals.

c) Not learning from our past experiences. If you feel stuck with the same patterns, trying one more time to achieve that goal but not making real progress, it might be that you haven’t learned from those past experiences or difficulties and gained some wisdom, so you keep repeating the same mistakes. CHESTNUT BUD is the Flower Remedy to consider. It will help you take full advantage of your daily experiences, become observant and gain knowledge and wisdom to move forward.

I hope these tips help you achieve your goals. Do you have any questions? Make sure to send me a message. I will be glad to hear from you.

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