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Hi! I am Lulu.


I am a Bach Flower Practitioner and Animal Reiki Practitioner. I started using the Bach Flower Remedies over 15 years ago, when I was going through a time of emotional turmoil and challenges. I was experiencing a lot of anxiety, lack of sleep and a sense of having no clear direction in my life. I came in contact with a Bach Flower Practitioner and I decided I would give it a try. I loved the idea of using something completely natural, gentle and safe. She prepared a mix of remedies for me and to my surprise, shortly after starting taking them, that horrible feeling of heaviness on my chest was gone! I experienced more mental clarity, courage and was able to sleep better.


Then my dog Jackie came into my life. She was a fearful puppy, not comfortable around people and  terrified of car rides. I decided to give Jackie a mix of Bach Flower Remedies and shortly after I was able to witness a beautiful transformation in Jackie. She was now enjoying car rides and was comfortable around people. She became my inspiration to help other animals and their humans using the Bach Flower Remedies.


As a lover of natural remedies and a holistic approach to health not only for humans but animals as well, I decided to learn Reiki and Animal Reiki. I had the privilege of learning from Kathleen Prasad, the creator of the Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki. Since then, I have been sharing Reiki with dogs, cats, birds, horses and other animals in person and at a distance.

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