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  • Writer's pictureLulu B


Oh the holidays! Even though this time of the year can be one of celebration, cheer and joy, for most people it can also bring a lot of different emotions. Juggling holiday shopping and family gatherings on top of our regular responsibilities and busy schedules can be very overwhelming.

For other people, the holiday season is filled with nostalgia and memories of “old good times” or loved ones that have passed away. Some families struggle with their finances and their worries and frustration increase during this time. And there are those who are sick or recovering from an illness.

Whatever emotions and situations you are dealing with during this holiday season, there are a few ways to help you find emotional balance and keep your sanity.

1. Become aware of your emotions: Take a few minutes to become aware of your emotions, without judging them. Are you feeling angry, frustrated, sad, worried? The fact of becoming aware of our emotions gives us the ability to do something about them. Emotions are there to show us there is something going on and we need to stop and pay attention to it. Once you know how you feel, you can process those emotions in different ways; talk to a good friend about how you feel, write it on a journal, or go out for a brisk walk in nature.

2. Get enough rest. I cannot stress enough what rest can do to make us feel much better. Sleep deprivation can cause serious health issues but also can break havoc in our emotional states. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation makes the emotional centers of the brain be more reactive. Of course not sleeping enough for a couple of nights won’t hurt you, but make sure that you sleep and rest enough during the holiday season. Also, if having a full night sleep seems too difficult, make sure you take a nap during the day.

3. Incorporate Bach Flower Remedies. There are many Bach Flower Remedies that can be very helpful during this holiday season. Here are some of them:

a) Rescue Remedy. One of the most widely used remedies, Rescue Remedy, is a combination of 5 different remedies (Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose and Clematis). It is used as a general remedy for demanding and stressful situations and always good to keep in hand.

b) Elm. Helpful when we are feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities and unable to cope with them.

c) Olive. A great remedy to take when you are feeling exhausted in body and mind. It is also a good remedy for convalescence.

d) White Chestnut. This remedy is recommended for obsessive, worrying thoughts that are hard or impossible to control. (Think of those times when you keep “reliving” unhappy events or arguments).

e) Honeysuckle. A great remedy when feeling in a state of homesickness or nostalgia. This remedy is very helpful for older people who live alone.

f) Mimulus. This remedy is for fear from known causes (like fear of not having enough money during the holidays).

g) Cherry Plum. For people who fear losing control of their behavior or at the verge of breakdown (A very common thing during the holidays).

h) Crab Apple. It is a good remedy for poor self image. It helps us to accept ourselves and our imperfections.

There are many remedies that can be helpful during these times. If you are not sure which remedies or combination would be best for you, please contact me at

Incorporate Bach Flower Remedies to your holidays to find emotional balance and wellbeing

The holidays can be a stressful time, but with the right mind set and tools, you can better enjoy them.


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