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Maritza V.


Lourdes M. Ruiseco

Me gustaría recomendar a Lulú, ya que me ayudó mucho con las Flores de Bach y con Reiki, ya que yo estaba pasando por una crisis muy fuerte de ansiedad y depresión. Su atención fue muy personalizada y siempre estaba al tanto de como iba funcionando mi tratamiento. Fue la mejor opción, ya que yo no quería tomar otros medicamentos por miedo a después no poder dejarlos de tomar. 

Supe de ella por medio de un grupo, y no dude en ponerme en contacto con ella. Además de ser muy profesional en lo que hace, me escuchó y sentí mucha más paz.

Gracias Lulú.

For a while, I was suffering from depression due to the recent lost of a loved one. I started taking the Flower Remedies and I realized that little by little my emotional stability was coming back. Bach Flower Remedies are amazing and they had a wonderful effect on my well being.


Lulu also helped my 7 year old dog Candy. She was very anxious, especially at night. Her vet said there was nothing wrong with her. She was constantly licking her paws and chewing her blanket. A few days after she started taking her Bach Flower remedies, I noticed a big change in her levels of anxiety. We also had a Reiki session and Lulu gave me some affirmations to use every time Candy was waking up in the middle of the night. The shift in her behavior was amazing! We are very happy with the results.

Silvia E.

My 17 year old Kanela was having a lot of anxiety, specially during the night. She was waking up between 2:30 and 3 am. We had a Bach Flower Consultation with Lulu and she started taking 3 remedies (Walnut and Mimulus). After 3 or 4 days of taking the remedies, she is much more relaxed and she rarely has any anxiety during the night.

For a while, I was suffering from depression due to the recent lost of a loved one. I started taking the Flower Remedies and I realized that little by little my emotional stability was coming back. Bach Flower Remedies are amazing and they had a wonderful effect on my well being.

Lourdes M Ruiseco

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